Monday, September 11, 2006

Back to School!

I'm back on Bloggerville, The summer went by so fast that I just figured I'd wait and write one entry on our summer activities.

June: Traveled to St. Louis for Paula's 50th Birthday party, spent a week in Vero Beach Florida with Mar, Aim, Kel and families.

July: We were still in Florida for the July 4th Holiday, and we saw the Space Shuttle launch!
We celebrated Jake's first birthday.

August: We drove to Nanty Glo, Pennsylvania with the Zamboni's and Stayed with Goose and Diane. What fun!

September: Charlotte and I just returned from St. Louis last Wed. We celebrated Mary and Billy's 25th wedding anniversary. We spent 5 days with family, Brian couldn't go because of work. We'll be back for the Christmas holidays. BTW, this is Charlotte's last trip as a lap child! She'll be in her own seat with a straight jacket for our next trip :)

OK, so summer is officially over. I woke up this morning and the air was crisp and wonderful. I love Fall! It's my favorite.

Charlotte is an absolute crack up. Some of her words include; Wocco, Bee bee, momma, dadda, up, down, out, no!, baby, and several others. She is so full of energy and she just makes us laugh all the time. I just love her so much!

We had our annual block party this past weekend. It was a beautiful day. Our guests included: Tom and Jo, Craig, Ellen and Jake, Anthony, Tanya, Ka Ka, Jax & Sammie, Phil & Maria, Adrienne, Steve, Chris & Melanie. It was so much fun. We were playing games, dancing, drinking and just being merry! Charlotte wore herself out playing with all the kids on the block and riding all the little bikes.

Here are some photos from our summer travels:

Swimming in Nanty Glo at Goose and Diane's house.

Mary and Billy's 25-Year Anniversary Party Train!

Until next time!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

June 15, 2006

If this picture doesn't make you smile, then nothing will.

Identity theft; illegal in most states.

I went out last night with my hometown girlfriend, Christina. Since the later part of the evening is a blurr, I'll tell you about the early portion. We started at Rockefeller Plaza for an outdoor "Lobster Bake" It was a private party held for real estate industry types, which normally would include the "Director of Marketing" of a major firm!, but not this year, they cracked down and only invited "brokers" from all the firms. But I was determined and steadfast in my efforts to get us in the party. So instead of being Tereser and Christina we checked in as Bo Sharp and Jennifer McKee, two folks from my office who received the invite but never RSVP'd for the party, so we boldly assumed they wouldn't mind if we stole their identy for a few hours. It was worth it! Tons of lobsters, crab legs & scallops grilled on these huge bbq pits and then right onto your plate. DEE-LISH!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

June 13, 2006

Beautiful day in the city today, clear skies and 70 degrees.
My cubicle however is a blistering 45 and I can't feel my toes anymore.

The World According to Tereser:
World Cup Soccer
The matches are in full throttle and it's pretty entertaining, not the games, oh no..... the most entertaining part of these games are watching the corporate folks, who haven't seen a soccer game in 4 years, get all giddy about the USA team, who suck by the way. Well that's harsh I guess, but in comparison to our South American and European competitors, we do suck.

Sex and the City:
Reruns on TBS still get me all jacked about New York, but then reality sets in and I remember I live in the burbs with PTA members and bagel makers. But I do have a good story about life in the city. In case you didn't hear about my brush with the divine Ms. Sarah Jessica Parker, here goes: One night I'm at a Jazz club in Midtown with Brian, my cousin Jane from Dallas and her husband Kirk. We get a nice cozy table and order some drinks. The entertainment is Toby Parker, (SJP’s brother) who does great renditions of the old standards in addition to new stuff with a twist. We were all having a nice time and then....... it happened!!! She walked in the door, nonchalant and casual as anyone, she grabbed a seat with a couple at the table right next to us. My heart was pounding, I'm pinching Brian's leg and trying to keep it together, because after all I'm a New Yorker now, and New Yorkers are NOT star-struck lunatics. They see celebrities’ everyday; they dine near them, shop near them and live near them. BUT.... come on! It’s THE Sarah Jessica Parker! My idol! I managed to sneak a few peeks her way. She happily cheered for her brother and twisted her hair. That was so weird, her twisting technique is much like mine, the pointer finger, clockwise until there is one long banana curl laying on the shoulder, then you move on to the next one. I tell ya, it was like we were separated at birth :)

Until next time.....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

June 12, 2006

Greetings all!

I'm a terrible person for leaving you all hanging for so long without my important insight on the world. It won't happen again. BUT.... in my defense, I've been very busy. Charlotte had her fist birthday and we traveled to St. Louis. The reunion with all my girlfriends was so much fun, but way too short :(
My sister Paula's surprise 50th Birthday soiree was a huge hit! And her new tattoo.....even better!
I loved seeing Charlotte playing with her cousins, Jesse, Sophia, Victoria, Colin and Alex and even more entertaining was watching little Jack running into the neighbors house.

Charlotte began walking on May 31st, 7 days after her 1-year birthday. She walks like a little Frankenstein, arms out, knees locked and belly first. It's so cute! She had her check-up on Friday and doc says she's in the 75% for her height, at 30 inches. I of course laughed, wondering if I could actually give birth to a child that would break the 5" mark. But you never know! Her weight was surprisingly normal, after all she eats everything in sight. We're lucky though because I know a lot of parents who have to find new and creative ways everyday to get their kids to eat. Plus her ultra Italian Grandmother just oozes with joy at the sight of Charlotte's face full of red sauce. What I don't like is all the little bumps and bruises all over her head. Now that she is walking and sideswiping dining room chairs, doorways and end tables, we keep discovering new lumps.

Brian and I are looking forward to the Florida trip with our pals (Langs, Smegos & Marsh's)
We leave June 29th.

Until next time.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

May 2, 2006

AMERICAN IDOL: Big night tonight! each singer performs two songs. One from their birthday year and one recent hit song. What do you think their birth years are? 1979 - 1990. Isn't Paris only 16 or 17? That would make her birth year 1990!!! That's frightening! Her birth year song and top 40 could be the same :) If it were me, and I had to pick a birth year song (1968) I would sing Aquarius, by Fifth Dimension. I would wear a huge Mrs. Roper moo moo and belt it out "THIS IS THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS, THE AGE OF AQUARIUS..... " OK, maybe not. But it would be funny. OK, don't forget to vote tonight and don't call me between 8-9pm Eastern Standard Time.

Monday, May 01, 2006

May 1, 2006

Happy Monday :)

SHOUT OUT: Have you ever seen a cuter picture than this? Me either! This is Clement Stein Jr. He is the son of my good friends Ali and Clem in Chicago, or Wisconsin now. He made his parents proud by winning "Chicago's Most Photogenic Babies of 2006" He was the overall winner for the infant category. I love the hat and tie, and those eyes! Way to go little Clemmy.

WEEKEND: Without doing anything wrong, Brian and Rocco slept in the car Saturday night. The evening unfolded like this; I went to bed around 11:00pm, hoping to muster enough energy to watch Saturday Night Live in the comforts of my room. No go. I fell asleep right away with the TV blaring. Brian had left the house around 10:30 to take Rocco out. I lock the house assuming he brought his keys, he did not. I slept right through the numerous doorbell attempts, the rubber ball, the hose and the rocks and sticks pelting the window. I Woke up around 7am and went downstairs with the baby to find no Brian or Rocco in the house. I freaked out! Preparing to call 911, I ran outside in my pajamas and found them in the car snuggled together under a blanket. We decided to hide an extra key in the yard somewhere :)

We need to mow the lawn.

Friday, April 28, 2006

April 30, 2006

I post this photo of Phil Spector to remind me that my hair is not THAT bad. Brian brought this photo to the hospital when I was having Charlotte and I laughed through the pain. You can't help it!

AMERICAN IDOL: Did anyone catch the theme for next week's show? or who the "special has-been guest" is?
I especially liked the Barry Manilow episode. However his recent cosmetic surgery(s) makes him look like something out of Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. But I still enjoyed hearing him sing.

COOKING: Today I made Spanakopita, the greek spinach pie. It's made with about 50 layers of phyllo, which is paper thin sheets of dough. You have to brush melted butter on each layer and arrange it in a baking dish before loading the filling. It's outragously rich and tasty and not at all part of a healthy lifestyle, but that's why the elliptical comes in handy :)

CHARLOTTE: Just busted out tooth number 5! She's does pretty good with them too. This kid eats anything I put in front of her and a lot of it! She turns one on May 24th. I can't believe it. She's not walking yet, but has been practicing a lot in her new Stride Rite walking shoes from Auntie Ellen. She likes to stand up and look out the front door and wait for Dad to get home every night. It's really cute.

SHOUTOUTS: to Cindy & Nick in Denver who found a gorgeous house. Good luck. And to Steve and his garage band.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

April 28,2006

Entry number 3, I'm on a roll. Welcome back to the insanity. Greetings from Rocco, pictured here on an exciting trip to Grandmas house.

Gearing up for a big day today. Spring cleaning, bag the easter stuff, take the Christmas pictures off the mantle, etc, etc. Don't worry, unlike many people on Staten Island we do not still have our Christmas lights up. No kidding, Brian and I think some people were trying to pass them off as Easter lights because they were pastel colors, but we dig.

AMERICAN IDOL: Thank you for all the heartfelt comments about my gal Katherine. She is so flippin good that I cry everytime she sings. I personally don't like the kind of music Chris sings, but I'm with Paula, the rocker will probably win this year. Katherine will no doubt be performing on broadway someday, so she'll do just fine. As for Elliott, you can't help but love this guy! What about when they interviewed his Mother and his friends and they were talking about how he is deaf in one ear, has diabetes, almost died of some other childhood disease. COME ON!!! He should be able to cruise right through to the final show on sympathy votes alone. He could get up there and whistle dixie through his a$$ and still win. BUT, the young ladies, (like Chrissy T.) seem to think Chris the muffin man have it in the bag. Either way, it's all fun :)

SHOUT OUTS: To Cook for reminding me that I'm actually only 37 this year and not 38. I'm so relieved. And to Rick L. who is just as old as I am, and celebrating his birthday this weekend. And to my neighbor Jeannette, who loaned me a diaper last night in a most critical situation.

JUICY: Someone I know is pregnant and I can't tell you who it is yet:) The funny thing is; she was on Brian's Mom's Fertility Prayer group list for almost a year. That's right.... they pray for people who are having trouble getting pregnant, and believe me, it works! Just ask ___!
I almost slipped.

Gotta run. I have to go use my new elliptical machine now. Yes Sir! I bought a NordiTrac 1500 CX tri-star master blaster 2000 with 90 amps of resistance enough to pull a tractor trailer out of Creve Coeur Lake.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

April 27, 2006

I'm addicted!! I'm an official blogger, bloggian, bloghead, whatever they call us.... I'm up late, I'm uploading links, adding photos, searching the web for new interesting material to post for my imaginary cult-like following. It's a scary world in here, beware.

Now, for the good stuff....

AMERICAN IDOL: Did I call it or what? I just love her little accent and sweet-as-pie personality, but Kelly had to go. OK, whose next? I actually received a comment to yesterday's blog from someone in my family (I won't name names) who actually picked up the phone and voted! Now I'm really impressed because I'm all talk. I've never actually cast a vote, so you win! If Katherine doesn't win, I can't complain. So, how much does it cost to vote, anyway? I'm curious. And then there were five.....

SHOUT OUTS: To my sister Cindy for hooking me up with hotel rooms for reunion weekend in St. Louis. To Laura and Paul and big brother, Peter for their newest family addition, baby Theaodore (Teddy). And to Shelly Barry, who is turning 36 next week. Happy Birthday!

I loved all the comments on yesterday's blog. Thanks so much for posting your support and love. Keep it up. Unless I don't like you, in which case I will delete your comments.

April 26, 2006

Good afternoon. This is my first ever blog entry. I'm really excited to post the happenings of my life for all to enjoy :) I will try not to bore the heck out of you. First, I would like to thank Clint Smith for his help and inspiration. Second, I would like to give you a very brief summary of my current situation: After only two years in New York, I seem to have gotten the hang of it. The only problem is... I don't have enough visitors, hint hint. But hopefully that will change.
This has been the "year of Charlotte". Brian and I are having so much fun with her, who turns one-year-old next month. This year has gone by so fast.

TRAVEL: I'll be in Dallas in May for work. I'll get to see Michael Jackson and stopping by to see cousin Jane, Kirk and squeezing little cousin Kirk Baylor III. Brian, Charlotte and I have a couple trips planned; to St. Louis in June for the Bridgeton/Aquinas Carpool Reunion and then to Florida in July to vacation with the Langs, Smegos and Marshs. Great fun!

SHOUT OUTS: Happy Travels to Marty and Kelly who are off to Vegas this week! I'm jealous. I hope you get a chance to gaze upon my true love, Barry Manilow.
To Jim and Di Kerrigan heading to Venice, Milan, Bellagio & Bologna (home of my Italian ancestors). Kudos to Ali Stein, who apparently threw the most amazing spa day at her spread in Wisconsin, also very jealous of you ladies who got to attend.
And to my niece Samantha who lost her goggles in her swim meet last night, that's good stuff there :)

ROLLER DERBY: Turns out the sport is very dangerous, according to my friend 8-track Dave. One woman broke her leg during a recent match in Chicago. I was looking into joining a team in New York, one team is called the "Gotham Girls" and the new Staten Island team is called "The Staten Island Boardwalk Babes" Cute huh? These girls are pretty tough with lots of tatoos, which I don't have. So I don't think I'll fit into this crowd. However the sport still intrigues me. For those of you who think I'm joking, I'm not! I've always been a derby fan. I used to watch it every Saturday morning. Due to recent information from 8-track, I'll probably have to continue to watch it on TV like the rest of the non-tattooed moms.

AMERICAN IDOL: OK...... make fun all you want, but admit you love it too!!!!
First of all, what the hell was Kelly Pickler thinking? That song was terrible! who is helping this girl pick her music? AND... I haven't been a huge fan of Chris in prior shows, but wow! He was so hot last night. I love that song, "to really love a woman" awesome! I missed Katherine's performance due to a dirty diaper and bath time, but I saw the highlights, looks like she did pretty well as usual. I think Katherine is the big contender and I'm stuck between Elliott and Chris for the male hold out. I think it will most likely be Katherine and Chris in the final two spots. Taylor's song brought back some memories, made me feel like I was back in Denny Naumann's van after a CYC dance. Anyway, I'm rooting for my gal Katherine, love her voice.

That's all for my first entry, I don't want to overwhelm my readers. Don't worry there will be plenty more where this came from and future entries will be much more entertaining. And, they will inevitably include several photos of my dear Charlotte.