Monday, May 01, 2006

May 1, 2006

Happy Monday :)

SHOUT OUT: Have you ever seen a cuter picture than this? Me either! This is Clement Stein Jr. He is the son of my good friends Ali and Clem in Chicago, or Wisconsin now. He made his parents proud by winning "Chicago's Most Photogenic Babies of 2006" He was the overall winner for the infant category. I love the hat and tie, and those eyes! Way to go little Clemmy.

WEEKEND: Without doing anything wrong, Brian and Rocco slept in the car Saturday night. The evening unfolded like this; I went to bed around 11:00pm, hoping to muster enough energy to watch Saturday Night Live in the comforts of my room. No go. I fell asleep right away with the TV blaring. Brian had left the house around 10:30 to take Rocco out. I lock the house assuming he brought his keys, he did not. I slept right through the numerous doorbell attempts, the rubber ball, the hose and the rocks and sticks pelting the window. I Woke up around 7am and went downstairs with the baby to find no Brian or Rocco in the house. I freaked out! Preparing to call 911, I ran outside in my pajamas and found them in the car snuggled together under a blanket. We decided to hide an extra key in the yard somewhere :)

We need to mow the lawn.

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