Thursday, June 15, 2006

June 15, 2006

If this picture doesn't make you smile, then nothing will.

Identity theft; illegal in most states.

I went out last night with my hometown girlfriend, Christina. Since the later part of the evening is a blurr, I'll tell you about the early portion. We started at Rockefeller Plaza for an outdoor "Lobster Bake" It was a private party held for real estate industry types, which normally would include the "Director of Marketing" of a major firm!, but not this year, they cracked down and only invited "brokers" from all the firms. But I was determined and steadfast in my efforts to get us in the party. So instead of being Tereser and Christina we checked in as Bo Sharp and Jennifer McKee, two folks from my office who received the invite but never RSVP'd for the party, so we boldly assumed they wouldn't mind if we stole their identy for a few hours. It was worth it! Tons of lobsters, crab legs & scallops grilled on these huge bbq pits and then right onto your plate. DEE-LISH!

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