Thursday, July 21, 2016

I'm Back Baby!

For a long time I couldn't remember my password but that's a pretty lame excuse for not blogging. Truth is I've been busy. The kids are now eight and 11 and I'm 47! I don't know what's harder to believe, their ages or mine. So much as happened since my last blog. The saddest thing is that my brother Carmin died two years ago. He was young, only 59 years old and he is terribly missed. Last weekend I was in Long Beach Island and we went out one night to the tiki bar. They had a couple of guys playing guitar and it reminded me of Carmin, so much so that it brought me to tears. He loved his guitar, music, golf and just spending time with people he loved. He was sweet, funny, clever and generous. He had very little and shared so much.  Forever in our hearts, Carmin ❤️

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