Monday, April 15, 2013

Since the world has changed so much since my last post, I thought I would go ahead and chime in on all the action.

Basically, I've been watching a couple little people sprout like weeds right in front of my very eyes. Truly extraordinary and sad and happy and exciting and down right exhausting some days. It's like a amusement park ride: Your caught up in it, then when you step out and look around, you wonder "what just happened?". You've lost touch with people you used to speak to every day, you realize there are 6 drawers full of clothing that no longer fit them. Another week goes by and then another and another.

Sitting at my desk, the kids happily off to school, I review the mental to-do list that spans the length of a football field. My new years eve resolutions stagnant, forty return phone calls owed, my hair in dire need of a treatment, or treatments is more likely. The calendar is full for the next 4 months with birthday parties, first communions, graduations, school fairs, fundraisers, girl scouts, etc. And I thought corporate communications and business developement was challenging. And let's not forget DECISIONS, the hard ones, the ones where your heart and soul are battling it out with your brain. Whether they are financial or moral, there is a constant tug from side to the other.

Stretching this outward, the world has become a complicated place. I don't want to get all nostolgic, but the 80's seemed so much easier. Our overwhelming quest to be "PC" has taken away all of our real differences and the way we embrace them. There was a time when your opinion, was just that; "your opinion". Now if you don't have a "PC" opinion then you are wrong. And not just wrong, but targeted. I guess I prefer a world with more freedom, more freedom and less reality TV.

Until next time.

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