Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Like zombies, they live among us! As far as I can tell, they like handle bar mustaches, pickling things, Whole Foods and Trader Joes, bingo, vinyl records, coffee and  They almost seem like Molly Ringwald from Pretty in Pink, and who didn't love her?


I'm very emotional and mostly stark raving mad about what happened at the Boston Marathon this week. I just don't understand how that kind of evil roams the earth. What provokes someone to kill innocent, beautiful people? How can that family of the eight year old boy go on? Where will they ever get the strength? how will they get out of bed each day? who will answer this question for them... WHY???? Just like the parents of the victims of Sandy Hook, they will probably never get an answer. Change, that's all.... tollerance change. Scrutinize those who need to be scrutinized! Let my 80 year old mother keep her shoes on at the airport. Because on occasion, when the authorities succeed in putting the kybosh on a terrorist plot, the plotters never look like my mother!

Shout Outs

The Mavericks - they have a new album out (might not be new, but it's new to me and I love it)

NPR Podcasts: (These are all great!)
This American Life - Ira Glass
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me - Peter Sagel - Carl Castle
The Moth - Live Story Telling

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