Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Jean Claude, Wake Up!

Our annual guest, Bikens Pierre, ran again in this year's New York Marathon. We are excited to have him stay with us each year the night before the marathon. Brian takes him to the starting line near the Verrazano Bridge, which isn't far from our house. Charlotte called him Mr. Bikens and kept saying "on your marks, get set, GO!!!" Very cute. Of course the joke is that our electricity would go out and Mr. Bikens would miss the marathon because the alarm didn't go off. I'm sure you all recognize this plot from the Seinfeld episode where Jerry plays host to Jean Claude, the maraton runner who overslept and missed the NY marathon because Kramer's jacuzzi blew the circuit and the alarm clock didn't go off. Anyway, we are all proud of Mr. Bikens who finished the race in 4 hours and 13 minutes, an hour before Katie Holmes and an hour after Lance Armstrong. Kudos!

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