Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's always Sunny in...New Jersey?

Greetings, my family and I have officially crossed over the bridge and will reside peacefully in NJ for many years to come. I guess I'll have to change the title of my blog now. I'll wait until I come up with something "catchy". The move went OK, the renovation is not totally complete yet and the yard is full of poison ivy... but it's home now and we love it :)

It's very confusing driving in New Jersey though, if you know anyone from here, they will confirm that the highways are poorly marked, the routes are crazy and you can't make any left turns, you can make rights on red, unless it's marked otherwise, and the yellow lights are extremely long. I've been relying heavily on Nancy, the GPS voice, to guide me through this jungle of confusion, however, we do not have a very good relationship. She's very bossy and down right mean at times! I don't understand why she has to holler at me "REROUTING"! I get it! I'm doing my best here. And the tone... such attitude. I tried switching to woman with an English accent, but she was too pompous. I'm going to look through the Garmin manual for a Southern California gay man setting. I think we would get a long just fine...... "heeeey..... turn around chicky".. or "OMG, You just passed it, whatever.."

Hey check it out, New York has one other Cardinal Fan, I'm in good company.

Speaking of which, we are heading to STL for Mom's 80th Birthday Bash. It's supposed to be a surprise but she digs. I'm bringing the kids too and all their gear. Hmmm..... long lines, airport security, small airplane, 2-year-old, 4-year-old and 2 and a half hours... that all adds up to one good time!, especially for the poor soul sitting in front of us. I should try to warn them in advance. To bad the airlines haven't mastered that technology yet. Just a simple email would do.... "excuse me Sir, or Mam, I'm the masochist who decided to fly half way across the country by myself with two small children in the peak of their witching years, I look forward to having my son kick the back of your seat for nearly 3 hours, as you try to work on that important important business plan. See you Tuesday! :)"

Plugs: Billy Swan's song "I can help"