Monday, September 11, 2006

Back to School!

I'm back on Bloggerville, The summer went by so fast that I just figured I'd wait and write one entry on our summer activities.

June: Traveled to St. Louis for Paula's 50th Birthday party, spent a week in Vero Beach Florida with Mar, Aim, Kel and families.

July: We were still in Florida for the July 4th Holiday, and we saw the Space Shuttle launch!
We celebrated Jake's first birthday.

August: We drove to Nanty Glo, Pennsylvania with the Zamboni's and Stayed with Goose and Diane. What fun!

September: Charlotte and I just returned from St. Louis last Wed. We celebrated Mary and Billy's 25th wedding anniversary. We spent 5 days with family, Brian couldn't go because of work. We'll be back for the Christmas holidays. BTW, this is Charlotte's last trip as a lap child! She'll be in her own seat with a straight jacket for our next trip :)

OK, so summer is officially over. I woke up this morning and the air was crisp and wonderful. I love Fall! It's my favorite.

Charlotte is an absolute crack up. Some of her words include; Wocco, Bee bee, momma, dadda, up, down, out, no!, baby, and several others. She is so full of energy and she just makes us laugh all the time. I just love her so much!

We had our annual block party this past weekend. It was a beautiful day. Our guests included: Tom and Jo, Craig, Ellen and Jake, Anthony, Tanya, Ka Ka, Jax & Sammie, Phil & Maria, Adrienne, Steve, Chris & Melanie. It was so much fun. We were playing games, dancing, drinking and just being merry! Charlotte wore herself out playing with all the kids on the block and riding all the little bikes.

Here are some photos from our summer travels:

Swimming in Nanty Glo at Goose and Diane's house.

Mary and Billy's 25-Year Anniversary Party Train!

Until next time!